Swedish artist Gabriella River Eriksson talks to Carl Abrahamsson about art and her work in general, about her contributions to THE TRAPARTISAN REVIEW and the cover of Carl’s novel CODEX NORDICA specifically, as well as her presentation at the upcoming “Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult” conference in Copenhagen in October 2022.

Carl Abrahamsson talks to British author Nina Antonia about her recent Trapart book “Dancing with Salomé – Courting the Uncanny with Oscar Wilde and Friends.” Topics include Oscar Wilde and his relationship with Lord Alfred “Bosie” Douglas, the mystery of Dorian Gray, transgenerational curses, Bosie’s conflict with Aleister Crowley, Nina’s work as biographer of Johnny Thunders and Peter Perrett, the need for rebellion and integrity, society’s fear of real individuals, and the power of the “amour fou” that Wilde & Douglas experienced.
For more information, please don’t miss the upcoming (April 24th) Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult event c/o Morbid Anatomy, in which Nina will talk more about her book:
For more information:
Twitter: @NinaAntonia13
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Carl Abrahamsson talks to American surrealist Steven Cline about his new book “AMOK!”, collage-making, mail art, playing games with Atlanta’s surrealist group, sources of inspiration and much more…
On “AMOK!”: In this collection of recent texts, American surrealist artist Steven Cline has opened the floodgates to his inner worlds, demanding that we take a look. When we do, we are irrevocably drawn in further by a force that resembles our very own curiosity. Is this a mirror or a windowpane? Are these mesmerising thoughts and short essays catapulted from an overarching Zeitgeist or from a very talented writer who desires to express himself? Or both? No matter what, once you have begun reading, you are in it for a thrill ride. Steven Cline is a compelling author, weaving surreal and sensual spells until all resistance is futile… You might as well step right in!
For more information, please visit:
AMOK!: https://store.trapart.net/details/00181
The Trapartisan Review: https://store.trapart.net/details/00179
Please support the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/vanessa23carl

American artist and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair talks about her books and other projects on Trapart Books, Films & Editions (and beyond). Includes examples of musical collaborations with Nordvargr and Pete Murphy.
For more information, please visit:

In this first episode of Trapartisan Radio, Carl Abrahamsson talks to his wife, psychoanalyst and artist Vanessa Sinclair, about their recent book “It’s Magic Monday Every Day of the Week.” The focus on personal experience, ancestor veneration, intimate honesty, and avoiding possibly toxic group dynamics in magical practice, has made their ideas and formulations popular on many platforms, including Patreon. The “Magic Monday” book anthologises the first year’s essays, texts, and artworks from Patreon, and as such is a unique hotbed of radical esoteric thoughts and ideas.
For more information, please visit:
#trapartisanradio #carlabrahamsson #vanessasinclair #occulture #psychartcult