Cotton Ferox: A Mega Golem Official
Originally recorded for Vicki Bennett / People Like Us’ ”Radio Boredcast”, this album constitutes the first transmission from Carl Abrahamsson’s MEGA GOLEM project. Giving life to an intangible, invisible, inaudible artwork or magical being by investing works of art into its ”body,” Thomas Tibert & Carl Abrahamsson here focus on its procreative extremities. Spoken word-etherialism subjugated to and in electronic vistas of pleasurable desperation in an inimitable manner, this album is pure Cotton Ferox in all aspects and angles. Music and magic are sometimes irrevocably merged, and this MEGA GOLEM OFFICIAL is one such opulent occurrence: a fleeting moment in the timeless flow of space.
Words & Vocals: Carl Abrahamsson
Music: Thomas Tibert
Recorded, mixed and produced at The Reality Studio, Stockholm, 2010, by Carl Abrahamsson & Thomas Tibert.
Published by Interzone Music Publishing Ltd / Freibank.
Available at:
released July 29, 2023