A new episode in the life of the Mega Golem

A new episode in the life of the Mega Golem

Welcome to Radio Mega Golem: a transmission for and from the Mega Golem – the artwork created by Carl Abrahamsson in 2009, and which has since been partially added to by a number of other artists.


”A dear one’s passing is the actual mind of the Mega Golem.”

Invisible Guest of Radio Mega Golem this evening was Peter Beard, whose palimpsestic imprint on the fabric of consensus reality is now and forever irrevocable.

If you want to support Radio Mega Golem and/or Mega Golem Incorporated, please join our patrons at www.patreon.com/vanessa23carl.

For more background information about the Mega Golem project, please read:

Carl Abrahamsson: Reasonances (Scarlet Imprint, 2014)

Carl Abrahamsson: Occulture – The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture Forward (Park Street Press, 2018)

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